Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the League America Festivals United Cup 2024 tournament for the age group.
Boys 5th-6th Grade 7 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Holy Redeemer Soccer
HRSC Fighting Monkeys U12 (6th Grade)
1208-01PRB6G-0016   Andrew Mockett
 A2 Aloha United Soccer Club - Recreational
AUSC Grealy U11 (5th Grade)
2001-01RB12-1887   Erin Grealy
 A3 North Clackamas Soccer Club
NCSC Carpenter U11 (5th Grade)
1006-01RB13-1847   Gavin Carpenter
 A4 North Portland Soccer Club
NOPO Coyotes U11 (5th Grade)
1231-01PRB5G-0020   n/a
 A5 Oregon Coast Futbol Club
OCFC Lopez U12 (6th Grade)
1819-01RB12-0032   Victor Lopez
 A6 Southeast Soccer Club
SESC Lightning Bolts U11 (5th Grade)
1217-01PRB4G-0034   Josh Halley
 A7 Westside Soccer
Westside Red Bulls U11 (5th Grade)
2008-01RB11-0399   Nephi Bahr